Here are the facts on this beautiful bluebird...
- It's a summer resident of most of the mid and eastern United States and migrates south during the fall to winter in Central America.
- It is in the same family (Cardinalidae) as Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Allies. I have to admit that I originally thought this bird was a blue finch...
- Even though this Bunting isn't a common sight at my property, its numbers are fortunately not on the decline.
- The Indigo Bunting migrates at night using the stars for guidance. Supposedly this is a skill learned as a young bird observing the night sky. An experienced, older bird can return to their previous nesting site even if held captive during the winter and released far from their normal wintering area.
- The male displays his brilliantly blue colored plumage during the breeding season to attract a mate. It looks as if the male in my photos is definitely in that season...
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