Thursday, May 24, 2012

Spring Wildflowers ♥

I've been crazy busy this spring - early summer season. Not only do I work full time as an ICU nurse, now our hobby (birdhouses) has turned into a second full time job! Fortunately, native wildflowers are tough, drought tolerate, disease resistant plants that will faithfully bloom and thrive with the least amount of attention from me...

Here's a sampling of a few of my favorites...

Aristolochia tomentosa 'Pipevine, Dutchman's Pipe'  (Host plant of the pipevine swallowtail butterfly).
This is the fourth year for this wildflower in my butterfly garden and it's loaded with blooms (and caterpillars)!

 Milkweed is the host plant for the Monarch, but it's a favorite nectar/food source for the swarms of Great Spangled Fritillaries that visit my garden...

For more info and photography of wildflowers, visit Clay and Limestone's celebration of wildflowers the 4th Wednesday of each month. 


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