This has definitely been the most colorless season I've had in my flower gardens. One reason - the 3rd summer of drought; the second reason: I've fenced the chickens out of the kitchen garden so they've made a scratched-up mess of every garden bed they have access to. Next year--I'm adding more fencing...
For some unknown reason, it seems that yellow is the theme for this early fall season. Maybe yellow flowers are more drought tolerant than other colors? Whatever the reason, here's what is left of a summer of record high temperatures and little rainfall...
Flore Pleno (Helianthus multiflorus) ~ perennial sunflower
Cheap, easy-to-grow annual Sunflowers :)
Ashy Sunflower (Helianthus mollis) ~ a perennial native...
Golden Rod ~ several native varieties in the Ozarks
New addition to the kitchen garden: a little toad house from a local artist!
I planted marigolds in the kitchen garden last year and my husband referred to them as an "unexpected beauty." When he notices flowers--I remember it...
I will always plant these unexpected beauties!
I planted marigolds in the kitchen garden last year and my husband referred to them as an "unexpected beauty." When he notices flowers--I remember it...
I will always plant these unexpected beauties!
Garden Bloggers' Boom Day