Thursday, February 14, 2013

February Blooms ♥

Galanthus nivalis 'Snowdrops'

We haven't had much of a winter in southwest Missouri...  A couple of days with a dusting of snowflakes and a few nights of freezing temps - and that's been about the extent of our winter months. In fact, several of my perennials that usually die back and go dormant, have remained green throughout the winter...

I can't say that I've missed the cold, but I would love one "real" snowstorm before spring officially arrives. However, I'm thrilled I have a few early spring blooms starting to appear and I'm already planning what new plants to add to the kitchen garden this year.

Here's a few mid-February blooms to share...

Sure sign of spring: the crocus ♥
New this year!
Hamamelis vernalis 'Ozark Witch Hazel'
Winter blooms - Hellebores!
Esther, the Cinnamon Queen, foraging for any surviving winter bug or grub...
May Dreams


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