This old Mockernut Hickory tree stands proudly at the front of my long driveway. It's one of my favorites not only because it welcomes me each time I return home, but I also appreciate its year-round interest. Especially in the fall when it turns a brilliant gold.
According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, about three-fourths of the trees in Missouri are either hickory or oak trees and are the most numerous species of trees in the state.
On my property, I would say that about three-fourths of the trees are either oaks or black walnuts... I do have several hickory trees, but it's not until the fall that I realized just how many I do have--when their colors stand out the most...
The fruit or the nuts of the hickory are eaten by squirrels, mice and deer. As with other hickories, its leaves are food for large, showy moths, including the luna moth, several colorful underwing moths and the giant regal moth or royal walnut moth, which has an impressive 6-inch wingspan. (See photos of the moth I found on my property by clicking here: Royal Walnut Moth).
Hopefully this stately tree will continue to welcome my friends and family to my home for many years to come!
Our World Tuesday
Outdoors Wednesday