I have followed the blog, Tilly's Nest, for years. It's a great resource for anyone wanting to enter the world of backyard chickens - DIY projects, chicken keeping tips and advice, stories and photos of an endearing flock... The chicken keeper behind the blog is Melissa Caughey. I feel that we're kindred spirits - nurses, gardeners, mothers - and we love our chickens. ♥
In addition to her blog, Melissa contributes to HGTV Gardens, Community Chickens, Grit Magazine and Country Living Magazine - and now she has written a wonderful book, A Kid's Guide to Keeping Chickens (Storey Publishing).
When my family undertook our first flock of day old chicks, I had no idea what an impact it would make on our daughters. Raising and growing your own food is such a good example to children (actually anyone) on not only where your food comes from, but also how important it is to humanely treat and respect the animals that provide our nourishment.
Here are some of my favorite features of this book:
- It includes the basics of chicken keeping: the set-up, choosing a breed, how to care for chicks and the flock.
- It's written for families considering adding backyard chickens to the mix. - Specifically how kids can contribute to the care of the hens, chores around the coop, etc...
- There are several DIY projects, crafts, recipes.
- The layout, photos, illustrations and articles are eye catching, creative and easy to read. - Kids of any age will love this book.
- The book includes interviews from kids on their perspective of chicken keeping - favorite breed, advice they'd give, their favorite part of having backyard chickens, etc...
Lydia: I like how they encourage self sufficiency. - Grow your own food!
Grace: Fresh eggs for breakfast and I love seeing them run around the yard!
When I give my presentations on "Gardening with Chickens" - through my local Master Gardener chapter - I always have families in the class that have so many questions on the basics of chicken keeping - and how to involve their children in the adventure. This book will definitely be recommended and added to my list of resources.
- Do you have a favorite breed and why?
Grace: Easter Eggers - I love the green eggs (egg shells / not the eggs)!
- What is your favorite thing about chickens?
Grace: They are not just birds or farm animals, they are family pets...
- Do you have any advice for other kids just getting started?
Grace: Play with them from the beginning as day old chicks. - They'll be much tamer when they're large hens.
As for the DIY projects that she includes, the "Chicken Fort" is my favorite! As a gardener and mom, I can only imagine the hours of entertainment this project would provide the kids and the flock!
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Storey Publishing - A Kid's Guide to Keeping Chickens |
Now here's the good part! Storey Publishing is conducting a blog tour promoting the release of this book. Not only did they send me a copy, they are going to send a copy to one of my readers. To enter this contest simply leave a comment below - including your email address - and in 2 weeks (March 24) I'll randomly choose a winner (US residents only). You can increase your chances of winning a book by visiting the blogs listed below. Good luck!
Tuesday, March 10th:
the garden-roof coop - that's me!
Wednesday, March 11th:
Thursday, March 12th:
Iron Oak Farm
Monday, March 16th:
Dandelion House
Tuesday, March 17th:
Louise's Country Closet
Wednesday, March 18th:
Chicken Art
Thursday, March 19th:
The Chicken Chick
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My kids - Grace & Lydia ~ Our chicks - day old Buff Orpingtons ♥ |
Follow Melissa's blog and flock by visiting these links:
I invite you to follow my Facebook page to see the products available in our Etsy shop, my DIY projects and more photos of my backyard birds (including chickens!).